3 Type of Obstacles Every Dreamer Must Overcome

At best, life is challenging sprinkled with some great moments in between. It is even harder when you are chasing a dream.

Eric LaShun
4 min readMar 17, 2022

Science says only 8 percent of people reach their goals. Anybody with a pulse in the self-development niche will talk about chasing dreams and goals including myself. You should chase dreams and goals. They play a purpose in the direction of your life. But many don’t discuss the degree of difficulty it takes to achieve your goals. But it isn’t impossible especially if you can foresee some of the obstacles that may be ahead.

The reason a small percentage only achieves their goals is that they get blindsided by too many surprises from the journey as unpredictable obstacles pile on in addition to what life obstacles are currently in their way.

Past Mistakes

Now and then we play victim mode in at least one area of our life. We feel we have no control over the current circumstance or we feel like we have been wronged. Just because we feel strongly about something doesn’t make it true. The thing is we have been making decisions our entire life and each decision has impacted us in the present day. Some of these choices have negatively impacted us. The unfair part about it is some of the choices we made were made from the subconscious parts of our minds.

Meaning we had thoughts that probably were not our own but those thoughts helped form and make choices that were not beneficial to us.

Imageine yourself as a child, your parents never made great decisions so you subconsciously take in their terrible financial habits as an adult. You make the same choices as an adult financially that your low financially I.Q. parents made. You now understand how your bad financial choices have played a part in your life. It wasn’t your fault, you did not choose to grow up in a family that possessed little financial awareness but you still have to live with the consequences of your actions. Whether it was our fault or not, our past mistakes will eventually affect us in the future. The good news is nobody is perfect but you have to correct your past mistakes right away so it doesn’t derail your plans no matter whose fault it is.

Everyday Life Obstacles

Every person thinks their problems or obstacles are unique as if it is some competition to see who has more obstacles. This isn’t to say that we don’t have our individual problems and obstacles that affect us personally. But if you are breathing then you more than likely have some of the same obstacles as everyone else. These problems don’t appear to be much but they can be annoying inconveniences. These inconveniences can pile on to the point you can’t bear to deal with them anymore.

Proverbial speaking, it is a death by a thousand cuts.

Little by little, day by day, they start to take their toll. They come in the form of daily disagreements with your significant other, daily gossip at your job, car issues, family problems, missed payments on financial responsibilities, or getting sick. Sometimes these short term problems are long term problems such as deaths, loss of job, or breakups. None of these are uncommon to the average person. Everyone experiences these kind of everyday life obstacles.

New Level, Different Devil

Theses particular obstacles are what separates those who quit and those who keep going. As I noted earlier about obstacles coming in the form of past mistakes and everyday life, these obstacles are always the most challenging. The reason for this is because you can’t see them coming. Humans do not like uncertainty and not knowing what is coming next. Do you remember what your first day on the job was like or the first time you started an exercise program? It was extremely awkward and uncomfortable. But after awhile it started to get easier and it became your new normal.

It became your new normal because you established a certain comfort level.

When chasing dreams and goals, you do not have the luxury of getting comfortable. You are constantly being challenged everytime you accomplish smaller goals in the scope of the long term objective. Imagine being in a constant state of feeling uncomfortable. Most people can’t fathom that feeling of constant vulnerability so they quit. Overcoming the awkward obstacles is where the price is paid, where character development happens, and skills are being built to get you ready for the next level.

Understanding the psychology behind the difficulty of obstacles will help you become part of the 8 percent of people who achieve their goals.



Eric LaShun

Introverted SEO & Email Writer | Self Improvement | Solopreneur | Global Citizen 🌍| Create a dope life of freedom 1% each day ➡️ https://bit.ly/3tCBvjK