6 Quotes About Regret That Can Teach You To Chase Your Dreams

Regret is a scar that never heals.

Eric LaShun
5 min readFeb 19, 2023
Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

Everyone has some form of regret except perfect people who say they have none in life.

Everyone feels pain. There are two ways to learn from the pain. One is feeling pain with guilt or regret from past mistakes. And sometimes shame causes pain. The second way is to learn from other people’s pain instead of experiencing it on your own. Your mental health will thank you.

Pain and regret are common themes even in the non-fictional and fictional world of writing because they are universal feelings. Here are 6 quotes about regret from fictional books that will help change your perspective about your dreams.

“I opened my mouth, almost said something. The rest of my life might have turned out differently if I had. But I didn’t. I just watched, paralyzed.”

- Amir from The Kite Runner

Remember you wanted to talk to that person you found attractive, froze up in a job interview, or procrastinated about doing an important task?

This is paralysis analysis, you overanalyze something to the point of mental and physical paralysis…



Eric LaShun

Dope Introvert writing stories on Self Improvement, Global Citizenship, and Content Writing 🌍| Create a dope life of freedom by 1% ➡️ https://bit.ly/3tCBvjK